It's Dragon's Dogma 2 day at Remap as the gang welcome back Austin Walker and bid farewell to Ren but first they have to have a little sports talk. Then they...
It’s only two weeks into the NFL season, but it’s already time to say goodnight to the losing Chicago Bears. Listen as Patrick and Rob come to terms with returning to ...
Patrick, Cado, and Ren unpack the mess Unity created after its latest destructive path to profitability, before talking through the newest Nintendo Direct. Elsewhere, the crew...
We’re delighted to welcome Strange Scaffold founder Xalavier Nelson Jr. to Remap Radio this week. You might remember him from Patrick’s interviews from Summer G...
The gang meets to discuss Starfield some more and the odd blacklisting of UK critical sites. Patrick and Rob get to some of their major impressions and metagame...
Rob and Patrick have been playing Starfield and recording their impressions and experiences along the way in a series of one on one conversations. This episode ...