We’re excited to welcome Janet Garcia (Pen to Pixels, Kinda Funny, MinnMax) to Remap Radio this week, because there’s just a gauntlet of gaming bangers to ta...
Patrick and Rob are joined by YouTube creator and DIY enthusiast Chris Decker to discuss what it’s like to propose building your own heated driveway and have...
We’re once again joined by Carli Velocci, this time to reveal why we started working with Carli in the first place: Remap has a new website ! We’re publishin...
Patrick, Cado, and Rob gather to discuss the biggest change to Remap since launch. We have a website, we’re bringing back writing, and there are some changes...
The Bears have won a game! Do we want them to win more? The answer is a bit more complicated than you might expect, but oddly enough fans of other teams are ...
Gaming critic and editor Carli Velocci joins the crew this week, which thankfully now includes the newly recovered Ricardo Contreras. After talking through C...
Cameron Kunzelman, Georgia's foremost expert on Assassin's Creed , swings by to discuss the latest installment. First, however, the gang discuss criminal inv...