Meet the Chef Behind One of 2024’s Best, Pepper Grinder
A conversation with the designer behind a simple, but brilliant, video game about a drill.
This Week at Remap
Da Bears are back (again), as is Sports! and much more this week at Remap.
The People Working on Dead Space 2 Knew They Were Making Something Special
Ian Milham works at ILM these days, but for years, he helped define the iconic look of Dead Space, including its tremendous sequel.
Where Does Fallout Go From Here?
Patrick and Rob are thoroughly enjoying the new TV show, but wonder what it says about Bethesda, the state of its games, and the future of Fallout.
This Week at Remap
Can Rob and Cado get fired in Motorsport Manager to celebrate one year after we were fired from VICE?
This Week at Remap
Everyone is thinking about Fallout, including us, it turns out.
This Week at Remap
The return of Cado, and perhaps not coincidentally, the return of Destiny 2.
Beers Taste Better In Person
PAX East was the first time many of the Remap crew had seen each other, let alone fans, in a minute. It was fun...and stressful.