Welcome to the week where I get to pretend I'm not turning 40! (My birthday [deep breath] is on Friday.) Hey, I might still look like an awkward teenager, but somehow I have been waltzing my way through this planet across four decades. It's truly hard to fathom that I've been writing about video games in some form since I was...14? That's 26 years, man. My career in video games can drink and is starting to worry about turning 30! But it looks like I'm not going anywhere? Wild.
-pk, who will celebrate by, predictably, watching a horror movie

- PODCAST: Sports! – It's me. It's Rob. And...it's Austin "Fly Eagles Fly" Walker. Austin promised to talk sports if his favorite NFL team either made it to the Super Bowl or was eliminated from the playoffs. Well, lucky for Austin, he's headed back to the Super Bowl. Must be nice to root for a good team!
- STREAM: HauntedPS1 Demo-Disc: Flipside Frights – This stream fell through the cracks last month, but Cado and I are going to dive back into it.
- STREAM: Steam Vent – We're headed back into the Steam mines again, scrolling through the "new releases" category to see what is often ignored on Steam. Hopefully, I'll get to do this without a call about a sick child this time.
- PODCAST: Remap Radio – No more game of the year. What, exactly, are we supposed to do with ourselves? Wait, we still have to record a podcast?
- ARTICLE: Letter Series – Perhaps Rob can tell us tales of preparing Remap's tax documents for the upcoming tax season?
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