Apologies for the delayed post here. Our schedule took a minute to bring together as Patrick was traveling back from Game Fest and we weren't quite sure what his availability looked like once he got back.
On top of that, we're busy planning our studio stream next weekend (22nd and 23rd). I can't make up my mind whether I expect a delightful, surprisingly frictionless success or a classic Waypoint / Remap Stream Alpha version that should have a NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION watermark all over the stream. I had a nightmare last night where we were about to go live and we realized we didn't have microphones. We had microphone backs and wires coming out of them, just... attached to nothing.
This is also the first stream where my travel logistics are complicated by the fact that I hopefully will need to bring multiple typewriters into the studio. There's a reason for that, but also, who doesn't agree with me that there should be a Remap Radio Typewriter Collection that we can showcase? I mean besides Patrick. Fun fact: did you know the "portable" part of the phrase portable typewriter is pretty nominal and they're really not very portable at all?

- MONDAY: But it's Tuesday now, innit?
- TUESDAY: Cado and I are Motorsportsing some more this afternoon, starting around 2:30 Eastern.
- WEDNESDAY: Are you a bad enough Remap Radio supporter to Fest what's Next with Patrick and Cado at 2:30 Eastern?
- THURSDAY: We're recording Remap Radio, then it's GeForce Now Thursday in the afternoon starting around 2:30. We probably won't stream more Gollum... But after all, why shouldn't I?
- FRIDAY: Publishing Remap Radio. Probably not doing anything else but who can say for sure?