Photo by Chris Gallagher / Unsplash

HOA - The Philly Flood

Remap Staff

Friend of the site Emanuel Maiberg joins Rob to tell him about looking for a new home, buying one, then finding out suddenly you're in for a world of pain. Come for the flooding, stay for the hazmat suits!

Notes and Resources

The source of the trouble: this tiny break in the water line.

A white rubber or plastic tube with a hole slightly smaller than a pea.

The many sedimentary layers of Emanuel‘s floor.

A photo of subfloors next to a wood structural beam going into the basement. There are at least seven layers of material visible piled atop a ceiling joist. It looks like a solid foot of material.

The hellmouth of Philly aka Emanuel’s ripped-up flooring.

Plywood boards lie across exposed joists between a front door area and a staircase landing where the photographer stands. Below, conduit and basement walls are visible.

Referenced by Rob

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