Apologies for the slight delay on this one. Life stuff got in the way. At the moment, my oldest is currently at her desk for yet another “eLearning“ day because the roads are caked with ice. I’m very lucky my child managed to avoid an entire year of this! She’s really good about it, thankfully, and does her best to give Dad space to work, but it’s one thing to have a handful of remote school days because the weather has been gnarly out here the past few weeks, and quite another to get into that rhythm for an entire school year. It’s novel. The novelty is sure to run out.
-pk, who is not a Yakuza person and is surprisingly loving Infinite Wealth

- MONDAY: Planning! Also, life stuff. It happens.
- TUESDAY: Lunacid stream with Patrick and Cado! You may also get a surprise appearance from a child doing an eLearning day. Patrick and Rob are also working on finalizing some editorial pieces that’ll arrive soon.
- WEDNESDAY: HOA arrives, in which we deal with Rob buying a NAS. [facepalm] We’re also going to be recording an interview with the developers of Immortals of Aveum about how the launch of that game went, and what it says about the current state of the video game industry. Look for that next week!
- THURSDAY: Remap Radio reflects on the Xbox showcase, digs into the new Yakuza game, and more. Who knows where Palworld discourse will be at then?
- FRIDAY: Remap Radio hits podcast feeds and we’re going to (hopefully) pull off a four-person Lethal Company game. Surely, this will help us succeed.
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