It's murderously hot for the next few days, so I'm spending the week indoors with the shades drawn as much as possible. "But Rob," I hear you ask, "what about feeling shut-in or claustrophobic? Won't it get a little depressing huddled in the darkness around your air conditioner?"
Not with the Tour de France going, friends! The only thing I'm sad about is that I only have one more week of spending four or five hours a day watching some of the most ludicrously well-conditioned athletes ever to walk the earth pedaling across bucolic views of France.
However, I will occasionally be drawn from my cycling paradise to the content mines. With the exception of a couple days where it'll be too hot to use my office, we're going to have a mostly normal week here while Patrick is out of town.

- Monday: Cado and I squeeze in a little Motorsport!
- Tuesday and Wednesday: Too hot for content, ideating only.
- Thursday: Our usual recording of Remap Radio
- Friday: We'll be publishing the pod but then at 2:30 Eastern we'll be streaming some Cataclismo with Janet.